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English-Chinese Translation Service of Master’s Theses

Author:admin   Joined:2019/2/11   Clicks:6379 Secondary

In recent years, with the rapid development of Taiwan’s scientific research industry, the quantity and quality of theses is improved by year. In order to make it easier for readers to read, we have certain requirements for the theses topics, such as how the topics have to be neat, precise, and delivering the theme of the article accurately. As nowadays, most important theses are published in English, a special topic is key to attracting the interest of readers. Therefore, in  English-Chinese translation service of Master’s theses, translation of topics will be a main focus in this article.

     An article’s topic is the eyes of which, putting the soul into the art of the article itself. As a result, when conducting  English-Chinese translation service of Master’s theses, translators must present a precise and neat topic for the article. Translation is a linguistic activity, delivering the message and soul of a language with another language.

     There are several types of topics, one of which is topics composed of nouns. There are two ways of translation for such topics: using a vocabulary as an attributive before the subject, only leaving a short clause at the end as attributives; combining several nouns together as a nominal short clause, but beware of the relationship between the listed nouns.


  Whichever of translation you use, when choosing to use a nominal short clause in your topic, make sure to sort out the relationship between the attributives, some can be placed before the noun while others can be placed after according to the actual situation. When a verbal short clause topic can also be translated into a verbal noun short clause, as verbal nouns retain certain characteristics of verbs, translation with which can not only preserve the original verbal short clause, but also making the translation of the topic neat and clear.

     Another type of topic is that of statements. In other words, the topic to be translated is an individual sentence. While translating the topic into English during English-Chinese translation service of Master’s theses, translators can turn which into a nominal short clause or directly translate which into a clause of words.

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