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The importance of patience in English-Chinese translation Services

Author:admin   Joined:2019/1/22   Clicks:1948 Secondary

Translation means conversion of text from one language to another. We all know that the language system is vast and complex. A translator needs to be meticulous and focused if he or she wants to be proficient. Patience is a major requirement in book translation. How important is patience to a translator? Let’s find out.

     A. Patience is essential to acquiring an extensive vocabulary. With hundreds of thousands of words in a language, each of them has a different meaning and it’s not easy to remember or use them all correctly. A book contains a lot of words. If a translator lacks patience and hastily interprets words without checking, there is a greater chance of errors. 

    B. Patience helps improve grammar. Whether it’s English or Chinese translation, grammar is an important aspect aside from vocabulary. It is impossible to translate if one has very little knowledge about grammar. It takes patience to learn and understand grammar rules, in order to avoid errors in book translation.

    C. Patience helps accomplish
English-Chinese translation Services tasks in various professional fields. A translator deals with a lot of topics when translating a book; for example, history, science & technology, politics, economics, etc. If a translator lacks patience to learn and understand these different subjects, he or she would be unable to provide an accurate translation. Accomplishing a task one step at a time helps complete the job successfully. 

    Based on the points mentioned above, we can understand how important patience is to a translator. With good habits, patience and dedication, a translator is able to improve
English-Chinese translation Services quality through constant practice.

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